From computers and smartphones that enable communication, to cars and planes that allow for transportation, our modern society relies on polishing technology. Fujimi works closely with their customers to develop the most innovative lapping and polishing abrasives available. Their products are used in a wide variety of applications, including semiconductor, LED, glass, plastics and other metals. They have a strong focus in research and development of new technology to enhance the products and provide unequaled quality to their customers.In their Tualatin, Oregon location, Fujimi uses compressed air for pumping and creating vacuum, along with providing air for the operation of actuators within metrology and polishing equipment, and the operation of valving. Reliable, clean compressed air is critical to their process. In 2013, they were running seven individual air compressors and three compressed air circuits. In reference to this system, Michael Birran, Maintenance Team Leader at Fujimi, said, “The preventative maintenance and frequent cost to support the aging equipment was a small fortune and was getting worse as time went on.” It seemed like a Rogers Machinery service technician was on site every day to keep the air system on life support.The Fujimi team was ready to consolidate their equipment and resources with the goal to reduce operating costs. On top of their goal to become more efficient, they had the requirement of using clean, dry air in their process. Due to their positive relationship with Rogers Machinery, they approached them to help find a solution that would meet their critical application needs. In reference to why they chose Rogers Machinery to be their partner on this project, Michael said “Rogers has a proven track record, with a visible commitment to their product and to their employees, as well as the end customer. The fact that their factory is also located within a mile or two of both our manufacturing plants was a big plus as well.”Fujimi ended up going with a turnkey system that included two 50HP fixed speed and one 100HP variable speed Kobelco KNW Series oil-free air compressors. This project resulted in an annual savings of over 500,000 kWHrs. On top of the savings on operating cost, Rogers Machinery was also able to help them get energy incentives which allowed for a simple payback on the project of less than three years. Since installing the new system, Michael says that the compressors do the job just as advertised and have been running flawlessly.