Hospitals and other healthcare facilities rely on their compressed air and vacuum systems throughout their facilities. Medical air systems provide a clean supply of compressed air and medical vacuum systems are designed to remove unwanted fluids or gases from working areas. Both systems are crucial to the health and safety of patients in hospitals around the world.Recently, a healthcare provider required replacement of some old equipment for their medical system. With them being a long-term customer, happy with the performance and reliability of their old equipment, they turned to Rogers Machinery to meet their need. The Rogers Portland Branch was quick to respond and provided them with a Powerex Medical Vacuum Package to replace their outdated equipment and arranged a witness test to demonstrate that the equipment is operating in accordance with design specifications.We understand the work we do at Rogers Machinery is necessary to keep essential businesses in the healthcare industry up and running now more than ever. We will continue to stay open to help provide the level of care needed in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. While the world searches for relief during this global pandemic, we are here to provide our support.