Jay Plastics, an auto parts manufacturer in Mansfield, Ohio, is utilizing a SANDPIPER Heavy Duty 2" NonMetallic Flap (HD20F) pump in its’ paint overspray capturing application.As parts are spray painted, a stream of water flowing behind the parts captures the stray paint particles and the stream of water is then directed to a gravity-fed filter. A stream of paint particle sludge then exits the filter.Prior to using the HD20F, Jay Plastics employed a disposal system that utilized a bag to capture the sludge. The bag needed to be manually replaced multiple times per day and was bulky and difficult to transport to a dumpster. Requirements:• Ease of maintenance• Priced competitively• Ability to handle suspended solids• Clean out caps allowed for easy clean out of the flapsAfter replacing the bagged solution with the SANDPIPER pump, the sludge exiting the filter is pumped directly to the dumpster using the HD20F. Rogers Machinery is your go-to SANDPIPER AODD pump distributor in the northwest. Contact us today for more information. Discover the right SANDPIPER pumping solution for you.